Powering Up Entertainment with Talent

Our client is a leading Entertainment company in North America.

After a large merger, our client wanted to become more progressive from a digital and data perspective as well as needed to build a stronger team with the necessary expertise for meeting goals in consumer engagement. We created a comprehensive solution for this client that secured FTE roles and delivered successful measurable results across the board in timeline execution and monetary cost savings.


The Problem

Post-Merger Madness

Our client recently went through a large merger, with major consolidation of systems and additions to technology in the near future. According to the CIO, the primary goal moving forward was to become more progressive from a digital and data perspective, with a major focus on consumer engagement. There was already a large investment in technology, but their key problems were bandwidth and expertise in building the team necessary to achieve the goals set out by the business. They needed a partner with expertise in data, MS Teams, and functional skills, especially with strong consulting experience and long-term hiring knowledge. Without these services, they would be at major risk of not hitting key goals.


Our Proposal

Comprehensive Solution

After an evaluation of current resource capacity in IT as well as business objectives and timelines, Integris created a comprehensive solution, recommending a mix of consulting services and FTE headcount. Through key collaboration with the executive leadership team, we tackled each area with a focus on business value. We started out with a group of SME’s in data, application development, and MS Teams to assist in designing and executing the planned solution. From there, in parallel, we focused on securing the FTE roles, with many of those being in the leadership space.


The Result

Back on Track

Through our collaborative efforts, we were able to achieve great success in terms of timeline execution, deliverables to the business, and monetary cost savings. Due to our solid efforts and strong results, the CIO made the recommendation to have Integris Group become their exclusive partner in all hiring and specific IT services. It was noted that one key FTE leadership role was procured in less than 3 weeks, whereas previous efforts had the role open for 7 months with no results. In addition, through our consulting services, there were millions of notable cost savings due to cost control and prior-to-deadline deliverables.